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Children Liturgy


In term time at 10.00am Family Mass for children aged 4 to 7 years ahead of the preparation for Holy Communion. There are always people needed to help with the liturgy. If you're able to help or more information, please contact Sr Jenefer or Vittoria Carroll via the parish office.



Training provided for those interested who have a clear speaking voice. Days of recollection are arranged twice a year in Advent and Lent. If you're interested in being a reader, do speak to Sr Jenefer or one of the priests.


Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the priests as necessary in giving Holy Communion in church or in taking it to the sick. If you would like to be considered for this ministry, please leave contact details for Fr Richard.


Altar servers

For young boys/girls who should already have received their First Holy Communion.

Please contact Michael Chute via the Parish Office.



Stewards welcome worshippers on arrival at the 10.00 am Family Mass, and assist with smooth running of this busy Mass by distribution of books, etc, and help with issues of safety for all present, especially our elderly and young.

Contact Abraham Teklemariam via the Parish Office.



Volunteer singers and instrumentalists are welcomed at 10.00 am Family Mass.

Director: Laurence Carroll. Approach him after Mass or contact via the Parish Office.


Flowers in Church

Arranged by volunteers, under the direction of Selma Nicholls. Please contact via the Parish Office.


Cleaning of Church

We have four teams who take it in turn each week to clean the church. To volunteer your help please contact the Parish Office.


Sunday Coffee

Coffee after Sunday 10.00 am Family Mass in Parish Centre.

Please contact rota organiser Princess Amihyia via the Parish Office to volunteer.



Our Sacristan is Michael Chute. Please contact him in connection with assistant sacristans or volunteering for sacristy laundry via the Parish Office.


Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Brook Green - 41 Brook Green, W6 7BL - Tel: 020 7603 3832 - email:

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