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The Brook Green Cine Club

Popcorn Movie
Watching a Movie in Drive-in Theater
Central Cinema

Can you find God at the Cinema?

The Cine Club is a social for teenagers, run once a month by parents at Brook Green.  Each month features a 'surprise' movie followed by pizza and a critique of the film from a Christian perspective. The range of movies is vast, not usually of a religious nature (though we have seen some religious films as well).

There are two cine-clubs:

- the 11-14 year olds, usually on a Friday evening, from 6-9 PM.

- the 15-18 year olds, usually on a Saturday evening after Mass, ending about 10:30 PM.


The invitation is open to all youngsters of the age groups and not limited to Brook Green, but booking is essential, as we max out on spaces, especially for the 11-14. To book, enquire or if you're happy to join the merry band of volunteers, please mail bgcineclub at gmail dot com.




Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Brook Green - 41 Brook Green, W6 7BL - Tel: 020 7603 3832 - email:

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