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What is RCIA?


RCIA is the means by which adults become members of the Catholic Church within the local parish community.


RCIA is open to adults of any faith background or none; they may belong to another Christian Church, a non-christian religion or be catholics who were baptised but did not receive catechetical formation or instruction, and who typically did not celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist.


What is required?


Nothing. If you are thinking about becoming a Catholic you are welcome to join the informal weekly meetings which run for most of the year.

There is a team of catechists and helpers to welcome you, to answer your questions and to walk the journey with you. The whole group explores the Catholic faith together and reflects on Readings from the Bible in order to deepen their personal relationship with God and their commitment to living the Christian life. Inquirers are encouraged to ask any questions about Catholic teaching and practice and about difficulties they may face on the path to making a commitment. Their commitment must be freely given and there is never any pressure to decide one way or another.

The process may take a year or more. The journey into the Catholic Church is made by a gradual series of stepping stones each accompanied by a special ceremony leading to the sacraments of baptism (for the non-baptised), confirmation and eucharist. The reception into the Catholic Church usually takes place during the Vigil Mass of Easter.


How to apply?


Enquirers are most welcome at any time. If you are interested please contact Sister Jenefer or one of the clergy.

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