Today's Bible Reading
In the Old Testament reading Moses instructs the people of Israel that they must each year offer the first fruits of the harvest to the Lord, while making a confession of faith, in thanksgiving for God bringing them out of Egyptian slavery, through the trials of the desert, to the promised land, flowing with milk and honey.
In the New Testament reading St Paul speaks of another confession of faith – made with our lips while believing in our heart – that Jesus is Lord, and that God raised him from the dead. This is a profession of faith, (an early form of the Creed,) that it is open equally to Jews and Gentiles to make,
In the Gospel Jesus after his Baptism in the Jordan is led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days, where he fasts from food, and is tempted by the devil: to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger, to gain worldly power by worshipping the devil, to put God's protection of him to the test by throwing himself off a high pinnacle. Each temptation Jesus refutes, with words from scripture, with 'You must not put the Lord your God to the test' as the climax. The devil then departs from Jesus 'until an opportune time' – the time of the Passion, 'the hour of the prince of darkness.'
Quick Links
Times of Mass and Devotions for the week beginning Sunday 9th March 25
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
Lent feria 6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions
Sunday 9th March 8.30 am Mass
First Sunday of Lent 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Monday 6.00 pm Mass
Lent feria followed by Adoration and Benediction until 7.00 pm
Tuesday 6.00 pm Mass followed by Rosary
Lent feria 6.30pm Lent Talk in church by Fr Juan
Wednesday 6.00pm Mass
Lent feria 6.30pm Stations of the Cross
Thursday 9.00 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Prayers
Lent feria
Friday 9.00 am Mass followed by Stations of the Cross
Lent feria 9.30am Stations of the Cross
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
Lent feria 6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions
Sunday 16th March 8.30 am Mass
Second Sunday of Lent 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Announcements This Week
IMPORTANT: Please note that our phone line is not working. Please call us on 020 7603 0814
Music at Solemn Mass Today: Viadana, L - Mass in F Motet: Aldrich - Out of the deep
Next Sunday: Lotti, A - Missa brevis in E flat. Motet: Cotes, Ambrosio - Visionem quam vidistis
Tuesday 6.30 pm in church, the first of our Lent talks, 'Let us Journey Together in Hope.' Today's talk by Fr Juan is 'An Introduction to Lent through Gospel Poverty.'
Stations of the Cross this week on Wednesday at 6.30 pm, after 6.00 pm Mass, and on Friday at 9.30 am, after 9.00 am Mass.
Please pray for the adult members of our Parish RCIA Group, preparing for Baptism or Reception into the Catholic Church, along with the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist, following their participation in the Rite of Election in Westminster Cathedral yesterday.
Lenten Alms for Cardinal's Appeal for those in need in our Diocese. Envelopes available today.
CAFOD Lent Fast Day, 14th March. Collection on Sunday 16th March.
The promised Mary’s Meals Recycling Box is in church today, please carefully leave your items inside it. The charity will only take the following items:
Jewellery & watches: In any material even if damaged or broken
Electronics*: Mobile phones/iPads/Tablets/Sat-Navs/MP3 players/games consoles
Cameras*: Old film, digital and video
Foreign Currency: From any country, the currency can be old/recent, we take it all.
Please don’t put anything else into the box as there may be a charge.
The final date for donating these items is the 5th Sunday of Lent i.e. 6th April.
*All recycled items will be picked up by a third party, ‘Recycling for Good Causes’. They will ensure all data is wiped from electronics and cameras but to protect yourselves further, we strongly advise that you delete and remove all sim cards/data before donating. Thank you for your support.
Collection of Non-Perishable Foodstuffs for the Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank: Saturday evening 22nd/Sunday 23rd March. Bring with you to Mass and leave in the box in the porch. Also needed are toiletries shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, etc.
A Weekly Lent Bible Study Group, 'Friends of Jesus' will take place on five Wednesdays at 2.30 pm in the presbytery, beginning on 12th March, led by Therese Teevan, our Catechetical Coordinator, if sufficient interest is expressed. Whether or not this is so will be announced at the Sunday Masses this weekend. Each week we will focus on one or more characters from the Gospels who may be considered as Friends of Jesus, which will help us deepen our own friendship with the Lord! We will offer you for sale, at £3.95, the booklet 'Friends of Jesus', newly published by Catholic Truth Society, which would help you look ahead to each weekly meeting.
Please take a copy of our Parish Lent Leaflet: 'Let us Journey Together in Hope
which gives a summary of the Lent Message of Pope Francis, details of our Lent activities, and of how to keep this holy season.
A Married Life Course has begun in the Parish, for couples getting married and already married. If you are interested, please contact the parish office or Fr Juan: juansola@rcdow.org.uk.
Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Matrimony at Westminster Cathedral on Sat 17th May at 2:30 pm. For couples in the Diocese celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and any year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage. Please email us husband and wife’s names, wedding date, years married, address, email (or phone number, if no email). We forward this information to the Diocesan Marriage & Family Life office, who in due course will send you the Cardinal's invitation.
A Mass for Bereaved Parents will be celebrated at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday, 5th April, at 2:00 PM. Please don’t hesitate to attend. No previous notification needed.
'Little Rome: the story of Holy Trinity Brook Green 1851-2024' A short history book of the parish, called ‘Little Rome’, a local designation honouring the long Catholic history of our part of London is on sale from the Parish office at £12.50.
Holy Trinity Cine Club: for children in Year 7 to Year 9, and Year 10 to 12 on a Friday evening once a month. Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact cineclubbg@gmail.com. See poster in the church porch.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism: If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required. Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am.
Adults who would like to enquire into the possibility of becoming Catholics, or adult Catholics hoping to be confirmed, please speak to one of the clergy or contact us by email.
Thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund, we have received a grant to help refurbish the parish centre. We provide a weekly night shelter for homeless women from November to Easter and the money we have received has enabled us to make the hall more comfortable. The West London Scouts also had their storage area made safe and easier to use. Other community projects will now be able to resume thanks to the lottery fund. This is what your money pays for when you play the lottery (if you don’t win, that is :) )
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