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Today's Bible Readings
In the Old Testament reading the prophet Isaiah, probably while worshipping in the Jerusalem Temple and enveloped by incense, has a vision of the holiness of God. He is enthroned, and surrounded by the seraphim, who call out, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.' This is the origin of our 'Holy, holy, holy' at the opening of the Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass. By contrast, Isaiah, having seen the Lord of hosts, acknowledges himself to be unclean. A seraphim cleanses him by touching his lips with a burning coal from the altar of incense, and then Isaiah responds positively to the Lord's request for an emissary by saying, 'Here I am, send me!'
In the New Testament reading, St Paul wants to remind the Christians of Corinth about the content of the Gospel message he preached to them, and so gives a brief summary, like an early form of the Creed: In accordance with the scriptures, Christ died and rose on the third day, he appeared to Peter and the apostles and early disciples, and that lastly he appeared to Paul himself. If they hold fast to this message, they will be saved.
In the Gospel, Jesus gets into Simon Peter's boat, moored at the lakeside, to preach to the crowds gathered on the shore. Afterwards he commands Simon to let down the nets for a catch. He protests that despite their efforts all night they had caught nothing, but says he will obey Jesus' command. As a result they catch a huge number of fish. This makes Simon Peter realise his sinfulness and unworthiness to be in Jesus' presence. Nevertheless, Jesus commissions him, along with James and John, to become fishers of men.'
Times of Mass and Devotions for the week beginning Sunday 9th February 25
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
St Josephine Bakhita 6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions
Sunday 9th February 8.30 am Ma
5th Sunday 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Monday 6.00 pm Mass
St Scholastica followed by Adoration and Benediction until 7.00 pm
Tuesday 6.00 pm Mass followed by Rosary
Our Lady of Lourdes
Wednesday 6.00pm Mass
feria (Yr1,wk 5)
Thursday 9.00 am Mass followed by Rosary
Friday 9.00 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Prayers
SS Cyril & Methodius
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
feria- of the BV Mary 6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions
Sunday 9th February 8.30 am Mass
6th Sunday of the Year 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Announcements This Week
IMPORTANT: Please note that our phone line is not working. Please call us on 020 7603 0814
Music at Solemn Mass Today: Byrd – Mass for Four Voices. Motet: Parry - Never weather beaten sail
Next Sunday: Bernabei, G - Missa VIII. Motet: Lassus, Beati pauperes.
A Welcome Occasion for New Parishioners: Today: 1.00 – 3.00 pm, for those who have joined the parish in last two years or so, is being held in the parish centre with light lunch time refreshments. Fr Richard, Fr Juan, Deacon James, Therese and Anja will be there to welcome you. A chance to get to know each other and feel at home in the parish. Bring some food to share if you can! Leaders of parish groups and ministries are also invited to give information about their activities.
'Little Rome: the story of Holy Trinity Brook Green 1851-2024' In 2016, Holy Trinity celebrated the 150th anniversary of its consecration. To mark the occasion, Fr Richard commissioned a short history of the parish, which we called ‘Little Rome’, a local designation honouring the long Catholic history of our part of London. 200 copies of the book were printed but these ran out quite quickly and, as demand has continued, we have arranged to print another 200. Apart from a few corrections, some improved pictures and an addendum to bring the story up to date, the second edition is the same as the first. Copies are on sale from the Parish office at £12.50.
Holy Year of Jubilee 2025: 'Pilgrims of Hope'
Copies of a booklet, 'Words of Hope – A Pilgrim's guide through the 2025
Jubilee Year' by Fr Ivano Millico, published by the Catholic Truth Society,
are available from the back of church.
A Married Life Course has begun in the Parish, for couples getting married and already married. If you are interested, please contact the parish office or Fr Juan: juansola@rcdow.org.uk.
Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Matrimony at Westminster Cathedral on Sat 17th May at 2:30 pm. For couples in the Diocese celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and any year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage. Please email us husband and wife’s names, wedding date, years married, address, email (or phone number, if no email). We forward this information to the Diocesan Marriage & Family Life office, who in due course will send you the Cardinal's invitation.
Prayer Workshop: Thursday 20 February 2025 at 2pm at Nazareth House Prayer centre. All welcome.
Glass Door Homeless Charity have written to thank us for the £1255.89 that we raised for them through our Christmas Carol Concert in December. Every Tuesday from November until Easter we are hosting a Glass Door Women's Night Shelter in our Parish Centre. This is made possible by our team of volunteers who welcome the guests, and cook and serve a full evening meal for them on arrival.
Chorister Opportunities at Westminster Cathedral exist for Catholic boys with musical potential in Yrs 2, 3 or 4. Bursaries available. For more information, contact Lucy Freeman: lfreeman@choirschool.com
Society of Our Lady of Lourdes: Annual Pilgrimage, 23rd-30th May.
www.soll-lourdes.com 020 8848 9833
Holy Trinity Cine Club: for children in Year 7 to Year 9, and Year 10 to 12 on a Friday evening once a month. Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact cineclubbg@gmail.com. See poster in the church porch.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism: If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required. Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am. The next Baptism preparation course will be on Monday 3rd March at 8pm.
Adults who would like to enquire into the possibility of becoming Catholics, or adult Catholics hoping to be confirmed, please speak to one of the clergy or contact us by email.
Thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund, we have received a grant to help refurbish the parish centre. We provide a weekly night shelter for homeless women from November to Easter and the money we have received has enabled us to make the hall more comfortable. The West London Scouts also had their storage area made safe and easier to use. Other community projects will now be able to resume thanks to the lottery fund. This is what your money pays for when you play the lottery (if you don’t win, that is :) )
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