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Today's Bible Readings
The Old Testament reading: The prophet Isaiah has a message of hope – amid the darkness of the earth the Lord will shine his glory upon his people Israel. His prophecy that kings and nations will be drawn to this light, and with them bring gifts of gold and frankincense, is fulfilled in the visit of the Magi to the infant Christ.
The second reading: St Paul explains that the mystery of God's grace is now shown in Christ, as through the prophets and apostles he is revealed to the Gentiles, who become fellow heirs with the people of Israel.
In the Gospel, St Matthew narrates the pilgrimage of the Magi, as they follow the guiding star to the Child Jesus with his Mother, and present to him their symbolic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Times of Mass and Devotions for the week beginning Sunday 5th January 25
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
Christmas feria 6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Epiphany followed by Confessions
Sunday 5th January 8.30 am Mass
Epiphany of the Lord 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
Monday 6.00 pm Mass
Christmas feria followed by Adoration and Benediction until 7.00 pm
Tuesday 6.00 pm Mass followed by Rosary
Christmas feria
Wednesday 6.00 pm Mass
Christmas feria
Thursday 9.00 am Mass followed by Rosary
Christmas feria
Friday 9.00 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Prayers
Christmas feria
Saturday 9.30 am Mass
Christmas feria 6.00 pm First Mass of Sunday followed by Confessions
Sunday 12th January 8.30 am Mass
Baptism of the Lord 10.00 am Family Mass
11.30 am Solemn Mass followed by Confessions
6.30 pm Mass
End of the Christmas Season
Announcements This Week
IMPORTANT: Please note that our phone line is not working. Please call us on 020 7603 0814
Music at Solemn Mass Today: Heredia, P - Missa VI Super cantu Romano.
Motet: Palestrina - Tribus Miraculis
Thank you for generous contributions to the Christmas Offertory. Any final contributions still welcomed. Envelopes can be taken from the back of church and returned either in the collection basket at Mass, or at any time posted through our secure presbytery letterbox. The Christmas Offertory goes towards the support of the priests of the parish.
The Epiphany Crib remains in in the church until Candlemas, 2nd February. Whereas the crib at Christmas reminded us of the poverty of Christ's humanity, and the visit of the shepherds reminds us that Jesus came on earth to become the Good Shepherd, the Epiphany crib points us to the splendour of his divinity. The gifts of the Magi tell of his kingship (gold,) his priesthood (frankincense,) and the sufferings of his passion and death through which he becomes our Redeemer, (myrrh.)
Crib donations go to the work of the Catholic Children's Society in our Diocese of Westminster. The Crib remains in place until 2nd February, Candlemas.
Fr Richard, Fr Juan, Deacon James and Therese would like to thank you for the many gifts, cards, and greetings received in the presbytery over Christmas. Your kindness and generosity are very much appreciated.
Prayer Workshop: on Thursday 9th January 25 at 2pm at Nazareth House has been cancelled.
The Holy Year of Jubilee, 2025
began on Christmas Eve when Pope Francis opened and entered the Holy Door of St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In our Diocese of Westminster the Holy Year was opened by Cardinal Vincent last Sunday at a special Mass in Westminster Cathedral. In his homily, he said:
''Today, we open this Year of Jubilee, the Holy Year 2025.The Church first declared a Holy Year in 1300 and has continued ever since. They are occasions for the Church to seek renewal, to undergo a 'reset'. And this Holy Year invites us to deepen and renew the place of hope in our lives. Its theme is simply that we are 'Pilgrims of Hope'. The urgency of this theme is very clear. Our world is scarred with tragedy, conflict and cruelty. For many people life is simply endured and does not give much ground for hope. So often the pilgrimage of life is harsh and unrelenting. Yet, in the midst of these realities we are given an unshakable gift of hope.
On Christmas Eve, when he opened this Holy Year, Pope Francis declared that we find this hope in the person of Jesus. He said:
'Brothers and Sisters, this is our hope. God is Emmanuel, God-with-us. The infinitely great has made himself tiny; divine light has shone amid the darkness of our world; the glory of heaven has appeared on earth. And how? As a little child. If God can visit us, even when our hearts seem like a lowly manger, we can truly say: Hope is not dead; hope is alive and it embraces our lives forever. Hope does not disappoint!' ''
We will in the remaining Sundays of January, learn how we can in our Parish be involved in the Holy Year. Copies of 'The Jubilee – Companion Booklet – Pilgrims of Hope' will be available to purchase at £1 (reduced price!)
SCAM Alert! May we please bring to your attention a concerning rise in scam emails targeting parishioners. These emails impersonate the parish priest, often using a similar email name and masking the real email address and typically request the recipient to purchase Amazon or other gift cards as gifts for the priest. The priests would never email you asking for gift cards. Please double-check any suspicious email by directly contacting the parish office.
If you wish to request a Certificate of Catholic Practice because you are applying for a place in a Catholic School for your child, please email the parish office for a priest information form.
Holy Trinity Cine Club: for children in Year 7 to Year 9, and Year 10 to 12 on a Friday evening once a month. Quality ‘surprise’ movie followed by discussion and pizza. All are welcome, suggested donation of £5 towards running costs. Contact cineclubbg@gmail.com. See poster in the church porch.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism: If you have a child for Baptism under 5 years old please email us for an application form. You will be contacted once the form has been received. A copy of one of the Catholic parents’ baptism certificate will be required. Baptisms can only take place on Saturdays at 11am.
Adults who would like to enquire into the possibility of becoming Catholics, or adult Catholics hoping to be confirmed, please speak to one of the clergy or contact us by email.
Thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund, we have received a grant to help refurbish the parish centre. We provide a weekly night shelter for homeless women from November to Easter and the money we have received has enabled us to make the hall more comfortable. The West London Scouts also had their storage area made safe and easier to use. Other community projects will now be able to resume thanks to the lottery fund. This is what your money pays for when you play the lottery (if you don’t win, that is :) )
From this: to this:
And from this:
to this: